Well now you can. It's a pretty easy financial calculation. Here's how its done.
- You calculate how much you will most likely receive during the course of your retirement
- Then you find the present value of that total number as it's valued today
- This is a good rough estimate
The steps are as follows:
- Calculate the future value of your retirement:
- Retirement Monthly Payment X Number of Years in Retirement X 12 Months = the Future Value of your retirement
- Calculate the Present Value of your retirement using the Present Value Calculator provided:
- http://www.investopedia.com/calculator/pvcal.aspx
- Use .58 for the interest rate (this is 7% return divided by 12 months)
- 7% is the typical return for a low risk investment
- This is what someone would value this investment over several years
- Number of Periods = (Years in Retirement + Years till Retirement) X 12 months
- The number this calculator spits out is the Present Value of Your Retirement
- You would never sell your Retirement benefits but theoretically you could
- This enables us to place a basic value on the retirement as a whole
- Once you have a good idea of a monetary value you can figure out present value
- This still doesn't account for your healthcare and other military benefits, you could theoretically add those into the calculation
- The value of this get's significantly less the further out you are from retirement
- This also doesn't take into account that your retirement is not guaranteed as well
Tony D.
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